Wow!!! Do you believe we have been in Kindergarten for 100 days? Time sure does fly when you are learning and having fun!
Miss Minardi and I couldn't wait to see all of our wonderful kinders all grown up. When they came to class, I didn't even recognize them!! If they were 100, that makes me... REALLY OLD!
Our wonderful parents came in to help. They worked at our four 100th day centers. Aubrey's mommy ran our snack center. At this center, kinders sorted snacks into groups of 10 to make yummy trailmix. Before they could dig in, they practiced counting to 100 by 10's.
Isabella's mommy ran our "What Can You Do In 100 Seconds?" center. At this center, Kinders estimated how many time they thought they could do a specific task and then actually did it. After they were finished, they compared their estimations with the actual numbers. They had a ball!
Abigail's mommy ran our "100 year old me" center. Earlier in the week, kinders wrote what they would have or be in 100 years. Abbey's mom helped them make a self portriat of themselves when they are 100. How funny!
Anthony's mommy ran the "100th Day Hat" center. At this center, kinders worked on adding groups of 10 stickers, stamps, dots, etc. to their hats. When they finished, they practiced couting to 100 by 10's and 1's.
Thank you to all of my awesome parents who sent in the yummy treats for our snack center, came in to lend a helping hand, and dressed their kiddies up like they were 100.
Wow!! Our kinder's writing has really come a long way since the beginning of the year. We have been working very hard on sounding out words, writing all of the sounds we hear, and sentence structure. Once we begin the next unit in Fundations, you will see an even bigger difference in your child's writing.
During our writing block, students do 1 of 3 things:
1. Independently write in their journals (this is a time that they get to take what they learned and apply it in their own writing)
2. Work on writing mini lessons in a small group
3. Participate in whole group interactive writing
Here is a peek into one of our interactive writing lessons:
Before writing, kinders brainstormed and shared everything they know about sentences.
1. Sentences begin with a capital letter.
2. There is a period at the end of a sentence.
3. There are spaces in between words.
4. You need words to make sentences.
I provided our sentence starter, "I love my," and kiddos helped me sound out each word. After modeling, we pair-shared things we love, and kinders had a chance to stretch out their words on the whiteboard.
Some things that we love:
Once we finished our whole group lesson, each student had a chance to independently write about what they love in their writing journals.
At home, encourage your kinder to write, write, write!!