Last week we learned all about Martin Luther King and how awesome he was! We read a story called Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King. We learned that MLK made it possible for everyone to be treated the same. At the end of our story, kinders brainstormed and share what their dreams for the future were. Even though they are little, doesn't mean they can't have BIG dreams!
Ryan has a dream to be just like Martin Luther King! How awesome?!
Leilani has a dream to help every animal on the planet!
Loving how wonderful my kiddos are!! They continue to amaze me everyday :)
We began our guided reading groups and our kinders are reading away! Be sure to check your kiddos backpack for their guided reading folder each week.
Happy 6th birthday, Kyah! Thank you for sharing those delicious cupcakes!
My apologies! I haven't had a free second to update our blog with all of the assessing going on in Kindergarten--math, DIBELS, and marking period assessments. I'm sure your kinders are exhausted because I sure am!! Please forgive me :( Our blog will be up and running again next week (hopefully). Thank you for being so patient.